Activity Hub - Recreaction
Design of an activity hub app
Own study exercise
The purpose was to create an app so that users can search spots that provided something more than a place to just talk or eat in their city. The design was meant to allude energy and action.
The overall goal was to create an app that was easy to use, and through a simple process find fun get-together spots, filter for specific requirements, reserve and finally pay. The typography and colors were chosen to instill action. Some of the flows designed were the login, reservation via calendar, and how an action spot would look.
The solution was a simple app mockup, that responds to user's needs of finding a meet-up place where they can do more than just hang around and eat. Its various functions allow filters to tailor to the needs of the users (group sizes, types etc.), check existing action spots in the area, or even pre-payment of a reservation.
Some Lessons & Future Developlment
Leave more time for accessibility, and include it earlier in the design process.