Pill Reminder

Design for Wearable


UI Wearable


Own study exercise


User would need to receive specific reminders, usually multiple time per day. They need to be reminded on the go, as well as be able to program themselves, or by an admin, which specific pill needs to be taken.


Branding was to allude to modern pharmacies, and although gamification elements would require for this to work well, the app should evoke trust, not playfulness. Research was done to see what could the main features look like, the main flows, as well as what was critical to include and what could be left for the smartphone.


The simple app mockup shows on a small smartwatch screen how a calendar might look like, some of the controls, loading screens, as well as gamification features - such as completion bars.

Some Lessons & Future Developlment

As always, simplifying controls is not easy for such low real estate. Given the target audience, it would be worth exploring even more simple solutions, and give more consideration to accessibility features.